Project 10


Eggnog Cookie Recipe

For this project, I am working with HTML and, both of which are new to me. I will document my process as I use them to create unordered and ordered lists.

I found an Eggnog cookie recipe online to demonstrate how to create unordered and ordered lists. The URL link to the recipe I chose for this project is included above.

Let’s get started!

Unordered list

First things, first. Open and login. 

Step 1:

Click start New Pen

Upon starting a new pen three boxes will open up. One for HTML, CSS, and JS.

Example: 1

Again for this project we are going to use the HTML box.

I am going to start by creating an unordered list using the ingredients from the Eggnog cookie recipe.

To create an unordered list, you use <li> and <ul> elements.

li = list item

ul = unordered list

Step 2:

Start creating your unordered list by using <li> elements.

Don’t forget to use the opening and closing <li> </li> elements for each item.

Example: 2

This is an example of what it looks like before you use <li> elements. See how the first two ingredients are not in list form?

The ingredients are displayed on the same horizontal line, making them difficult to read and understand.

Using <li> elements
Completed <li> elements

Step 3:

Now, let’s finish the unordered list by using opening and closing<ul> </ul>elements.

We selected <ul> because it effectively represents an unordered list.

Example: 3

Wrapping elements <ul> </ul>

Don’t forget to have an opening/closing <ul> </ul> elements.

There you have it!

You have just created an unordered list.

Pages: 1 2


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