Omeka Project

Contributing to Omeka website

Welcome back everyone!

In this project, I will guide you through the process of setting up an Omeka account as a contributor on Professor Dr. Hadden’s website and contributing two items to that account.

The two items I will be using are as follows:

  • image titled David
  • image titled Thinking Woman

Step 1:

I joined Dr. Hadden’s Omeka website as a contributor through an email invitation. After confirming my access, I began contributing two items to the site: an image titled David, which is a photograph of the statue of David, and Thinking Woman, a print on canvas from an original painting.

Step 2:

In this step I will begin by adding my first item, image titled David.

You will see when you add an item in Omeka, you are using Dublin Core elements. If you have never worked with Dublin Core, I have posted a link here Dublin Core for reference. I highly recommend reviewing the Dublin Core elements before beginning a project.

Following the list of Dublin Core elements I create metadata for each element regarding the image title David.

NOTE: It is important to note that I am creating a record for the statue of David, using an image of the statue as my resource.

Step 3:

Moving on to the next category, I add the type of metadata for the image titled David.

Here is where I am creating the metadata for the image of the statue.

Step 4:

Moving on to the next category, I am going to upload my image file, Statue of David.

Step 5:

Now, moving on to the final category, I will add tags to this item. Tags will make it easier for people to locate the item.

I selected the most common tags to accurately represent the item David.

After adding the tags, I selected the Add Item button and there you have it! The item is now live on the website for viewing.

Final Review!

You will see the item David has been Created.

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